What is Operation Round Up?


Operation Round Up® is a voluntary contribution to your electric bill, which adds a few pennies each month. All our participating members add these pennies, and Jasper-Newton Electric’s Member Committee approves grants to non-profit agencies serving needs in our community. The most you could ever donate in a year would be $12, but most members see their donations as around $6.00 per year.

Operation Round Up® is a membership success. In the tenth year, JNEC members helped their local communities with over $78,700 in funds collected and distributed by the Operation Round Up® committee. Since the start of Operation Round Up® in 2002, JNEC members have contributed to their local communities with over 1 million dollars.

The Operation Round Up® committee (made up of one member from each district) works hard to do the right thing for our members. Committee members read over and investigate each application before coming to the meeting. The committee then discusses each application. Reviewing each application allows the committee members to make informed decisions about the applications.

Is my contribution tax deductible?

Contributions to Operation Round Up are not tax deductible.

How do I find out who received funding?

Operation Round Up® helps many worthwhile community activities and projects, such as youth activities, operation graduations, 4-H’s & FFA’s, libraries, food banks, volunteer fire departments, and other organizations that affect our members.

Every February, the Cooperative publishes a list of charitable organizations that receive funding in the monthly newsletter “Currents.” If you have additional questions, please contact us at 800-231-9340 or 409-423-2241 during business hours, Monday-Friday, 8 am - 5 pm.

Operation Round Up® is accepting applications. If you know of an organization or you work with an organization that helps our members and wants to get an application, download the application below.

Operation Round Up Application